Vientikilta is a network of companies interested in internationalization and export activities, operating in Southern Ostrobothnia. Vientikilta is a voluntary organization by those responsible for the internationalization of companies.
© pictures: Benjam Pöntinen
How it started
Vientikilta has been active in the Southern Ostrobothnia region for almost 30 years.
Originally, the name of Vientikilla was Härmänmaan Vientikilta, which came from the activity of entrepreneurs in the Härmä area and was founded by the late entrepreneur adviser Väinö Takala.
Company visits and presentations
The activities of Vientikilta are revolved around company visits and presentations, which focus on the challenges of export activities and today’s globalization. Companies in different industries and of different sizes are involved in the operations of Vientikilta. From September to June, Vientikilta meets once a month, usually on the first Thursday afternoon of the month to visit an interesting export company in the region or another destination related to internationalization.
During a pandemic, we gather remotely or hybrid around different themes.
During the visits, one hears about the challenges of companies who are just starting with export activities, the story of the development of these activities, and often also they get to know the production of the target company. Vientikilta makes a couple of visits outside the area every year, usually one to an interesting destination in Finland and another outside of Finland.
How are we organized?
The activities are directed by a board consisting of members of Vientikilta and the visits are coordinated by the Southern Ostrobothnia Chamber of Commerce together with the active members.
Chairman Juha Lahtinen
0500 365 851
Secretary Tomi Kohtanen
050 506 2755
Vientikilta’s Internationalization Award
Väpän Puukkoo is Vientikilta’s internationalization award, named after Väinö Takala, the founder of Vientikilta. It is an annual prize that is awarded each year, implemented and made by Järvenpää’s team, under the idiom “the knife has always been a Finn’s first aid and last safe.”
When coming up with ideas for the award and thinking about the basis on which the prize would be annually awarded, the basis was found in the first decade of Vientikilta – in the 1990s. The ideas that emerged in the first year of Vientikilta’s activities were drawn from there.
The recipient of the award should represent the principles of Vientikilta’s teamwork and the entrepreneurial spirit of Ostrobothnia. They should be straightforward, a cooperative and networked company, valuing its own region. There should be a twinkle in the corner of their eye, with a positive sense of the Ostrobothnian grandiosity.
Award winners:
2021 MSK Group Oy
2022 Kyrö Distillery
2023 Kone-Ketonen Oy
2024 T-Drill Oy
Board of directors
Juha Lahtinen,
Export Maker Oy
Tomi Kohtanen,
Etelä-Pohjanmaan kauppakamari
Matti Mäki-Haapoja, Reikälevy Oy vpj.
Ossi Tuomela, WMT Group Oy,
Toni Ruokoja, MSK Group Oy
Riikka Ylikangas, Etelä-Pohjanmaan ELY-keskus
Kari Hytönen, Finnvera
Mika Anttila,
Marko Jyllilä, Relicomp Oy
Anne Viitala, Osuuskunta Viexpo
Ville Ikola, PP-Tuote Oy
Tapio Seppä-Lassila, Into Seinäjoki